Tofu. I'm not the biggest fan I will admit. I don't usually buy tofu but I wanted to make stir fry the other night and had an urge to add some tofu so I purchased some. I however, in my tired state bought the wrong kind. I arrived home ready to make a stir fry only to realize I'd purchased medium-firm silken tofu and it would not work in my stir fry. This was merely a blip though, as I wound up throwing together this lovely little dessert. All this to say, in short, Tofu turned out to be a great base for this protein-packed (seriously there is so much protein it's crazy, extremely filling!) dessert so here is the recipe!
PS. It's so secretly healthy you can eat it for dinner. I did.
Choconutter Mousse |
Ingredients: (Makes about 2 1/2c worth)
1 block medium-firm silken tofu
2 tbsp peanut butter
1/4c almond milk
3 tbsp cacao powder
1/2 tbsp maca powder
1/4c maple syrup
goji berries and hemp hearts to top
1. In a bowl, whisk together the tofu, almond milk, cacao, maca and maple syrup.
2. Add in the peanut butter and whisk until well-blended.
3. Top off with goji berries and hemp hearts to your desire.
Stay Nutty, folks