August 3, 2014

Pepper Zucchini Alfredo

Pasta posts two days in a row! Here is a quick and easy pasta recipe using Soul to Bowl Vegan Alfredo. I love this product so much- it's quick, easy and just scrumptious. Adding some veggies to it makes it that much better! Here it is folks:

Pepper Zucchini Alfredo

For the sauce:

1/2c Soul to Bowl vegan "alfredo" sauce
1/2 red bell pepper, diced
1/4 zucchini, quartered
2 tsp cracked black pepper
1/2tsp cayenne pepper
1tsp chilli powder

For the pasta:

I like using red adzuki bean pasta, or red&white quinoa pasta - but any variety works!


1. Put the sauce on the stove and bring to a simmer on medium heat.
2. Toss in the veggies and spices and stir every 3-4 minutes, leaving on medium heat.
3. After about 9 minutes, turn the stove off and toss in cooked noodles.
4. Mix the noodles in until well coated, serve and munch.

Stay peppery, cool cats.

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